Monday, March 5, 2012

Tiger Woods with Unstoppable Game

Before his massive out break, Tiger Woods seemed more human than human. He seemed to many people to be unstoppable in the game of golf and ultimately completely focused on the task at hand, which was, to play the best game that he could. Even at friendly press conferences he seemed distant and uninterested. Of course, now we all know why. He was probably thinking of his girl, and by that I most certainly do not mean his wife. Phil Mickelson, however, could always talk candidly about his game and even be seen to smile at some of these press conferences.

It has become clear to many people that Tiger Woods has not moved on from the mentality of a 21-year-old frat boy, that cracks black penis jokes to reporters while surrounded by four women. Instead, however, he learned to distance himself from the game, reporters, noisy individuals, and eventually his wife to meet his frat boy lady quota.

The real question is if he returns to professional golf, after his sexcapades have been flaunted all over the public eye, will he still have what it takes to be the best? Will Tiger come back roaring or rustling? Of course with his sponsors leaving him in the dust it is impossible to think that he will ever be earning as much money as he was. But maybe that will not be the determining factor for his return, maybe he will return to prove to himself, and the golfing community, that this incident has had no affect on his game. Maybe he is going for that fifth green jacket. Where Phil Mickelson has a wife battling breast cancer to draw encouragement from, maybe, Tiger can get some encouragement from all this attention, because obviously he has not had enough over the years.

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