Monday, March 5, 2012

President Obama's State of the Union Address

President Obama’s State of the Union Address was very inspirational and it was directed to a county that is in dire need of inspiration. Even before he starts his speech he embraces the congresswoman, Gabriel Giffords, who was shot in the previous year to express his deepest gratitude and happiness that she is still alive. This shows how much he cares about the people within his country. This quality will be a key if he is to win the next election.

President Obama states that a growing number of Americans are getting richer while the poor are getting even poorer. While this is true, in America, I don’t think that this stance will gain him any more votes for his next election. Even though the majority of people in the states are struggling to get by, they are obsessed with the notion of ‘the American Dream’ and how everyone can make it. Unfortunately, this is not always that case and it is becoming more and more apparent, as Obama states, Warren Buffet, a billion air, pays a lower tax rate then his secretary.

I really enjoy his style of speech delivery. The fact that he can reduce the politics of a major world super power down to three quick and easily understandable points is incredible. These three points, which are apparent through out his speech and in many other contexts, gives the speech a more personal, down to Earth address. It makes the reader, or listener, feel that they are actually apart of the conversation, even though they do not say a single word. That is what makes a great speechwriter and a fantastic leader. I think that in these next election that are coming up the American people will see how much Obama has done for the people from getting out a recession to killing one of the most famous terrorists, Osama Bin Laden.

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