Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog: Impression of Read Work

Blog: Impression of Read Work I read various screenplays and adaptations of original screenplays. The one that I found the most helpful was the ‘Casablanca’ screenplay. It helped me create the love struggle and tension between Tim and Linda. Just like there is tension between Rick Blaine, played by Humphrey Bogart, and Ilsa Lund, played by Ingrid Bergman. Both ‘Wire’ screenplays helped me figure out how to format my screenplay properly. The Wire was also very helpful in producing the right dialogue that was needed between characters. It was hard for me to think like a ten-year-old girl at some situations. The African Queen, again helped the character development. Inception was very hard to get my head around, however, it did help integrate the flashbacks into the screenplay. The television show ‘Lost’ also helped me in transitioning between two time periods. Flashbacks are an integral part of this screenplay; the flashbacks bring Mary into the world of the young love struck Tim O’Brien. None of these screenplays helped with the arrangement and order of operations within the story. The screenplay, based on The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, it is an adaptation of a short story with in a story. The screenplay dives into the love story between Tim O’Brien and Linda. Mary is the innocent on looker. She is the manifestation of what the reader would be seeing All these models were helpful to me in producing and formatting my own work. The Wire Season 1 Episode 101: The Wire Season 1 Episode 109: The African Queen:,%20The%20(1951).txt Casablanca 1942: Inception:

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Wire Conflict and Character

In The Wire by David Simon is a series that is based in Baltimore that revolves around the illegal drug industry. David Simon has a way of building conflict that both reveals new characters while also enhancing the plot in an intriguing and mysterious way. David Simon, having experience at journalism, knows how to tell a compelling story. His use of handheld cameras and documentation style of filming makes The Wire more realistic. He also trusts the viewer to catch on to things and does not have very many flashbacks to patronize the viewer for not remembering. The Wire has one flashback, which was insisted upon by HBO, in the first episode at the end and truth be told it sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn’t sync well with the series. The way that David first introduces the viewer to McNulty really grasps the viewer’s attention. They get to see what McNulty has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. The viewer starts to realize from the dialog, and the camera panning over a dead man, that this is a tough part of town. McNulty asked the question, “You called this guy snot?” this course of dialog between the witness and McNulty explains to the viewer how things are in the slums of Baltimore. We see that McNulty’s character is not entirely trusted when he appears at the FBI office to visits his friend, Fitzhugh, and he is not allowed to proceed without an escort. This also represents the bad relationship and distrust between the FBI and municipal police. The court case on page eleven is a perfect way to introduce two more important characters while also deepening the plot. First there is D’Angelo Barksdale who is on trial for murder. Then there is Stringer Bell who is dressed sharply and looks almost professional. When the court is adjourned and D’Angelo is found not guilty, McNulty casually leans in as he passes by Stringer Bell and says, “Nicely done. Very subtle” This confirms to the viewer what they have suspected, that McNulty knows what is happening. It is also important to note that not everyone on the police force is as dedicated to the job. Detective Fred Barlow is more worried about his pressure-treated porch than his case that was just flipped. This shows that some cops are just there to clock the hours and not actually do any police work. By: Josh Blake

Monday, March 5, 2012

President Obama's State of the Union Address

President Obama’s State of the Union Address was very inspirational and it was directed to a county that is in dire need of inspiration. Even before he starts his speech he embraces the congresswoman, Gabriel Giffords, who was shot in the previous year to express his deepest gratitude and happiness that she is still alive. This shows how much he cares about the people within his country. This quality will be a key if he is to win the next election.

President Obama states that a growing number of Americans are getting richer while the poor are getting even poorer. While this is true, in America, I don’t think that this stance will gain him any more votes for his next election. Even though the majority of people in the states are struggling to get by, they are obsessed with the notion of ‘the American Dream’ and how everyone can make it. Unfortunately, this is not always that case and it is becoming more and more apparent, as Obama states, Warren Buffet, a billion air, pays a lower tax rate then his secretary.

I really enjoy his style of speech delivery. The fact that he can reduce the politics of a major world super power down to three quick and easily understandable points is incredible. These three points, which are apparent through out his speech and in many other contexts, gives the speech a more personal, down to Earth address. It makes the reader, or listener, feel that they are actually apart of the conversation, even though they do not say a single word. That is what makes a great speechwriter and a fantastic leader. I think that in these next election that are coming up the American people will see how much Obama has done for the people from getting out a recession to killing one of the most famous terrorists, Osama Bin Laden.

Tiger Woods with Unstoppable Game

Before his massive out break, Tiger Woods seemed more human than human. He seemed to many people to be unstoppable in the game of golf and ultimately completely focused on the task at hand, which was, to play the best game that he could. Even at friendly press conferences he seemed distant and uninterested. Of course, now we all know why. He was probably thinking of his girl, and by that I most certainly do not mean his wife. Phil Mickelson, however, could always talk candidly about his game and even be seen to smile at some of these press conferences.

It has become clear to many people that Tiger Woods has not moved on from the mentality of a 21-year-old frat boy, that cracks black penis jokes to reporters while surrounded by four women. Instead, however, he learned to distance himself from the game, reporters, noisy individuals, and eventually his wife to meet his frat boy lady quota.

The real question is if he returns to professional golf, after his sexcapades have been flaunted all over the public eye, will he still have what it takes to be the best? Will Tiger come back roaring or rustling? Of course with his sponsors leaving him in the dust it is impossible to think that he will ever be earning as much money as he was. But maybe that will not be the determining factor for his return, maybe he will return to prove to himself, and the golfing community, that this incident has had no affect on his game. Maybe he is going for that fifth green jacket. Where Phil Mickelson has a wife battling breast cancer to draw encouragement from, maybe, Tiger can get some encouragement from all this attention, because obviously he has not had enough over the years.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Game of Thrones

A SONG OF FIRE AND ICE: GAME OF THRONES will suck you into a land of mystery, violence, and lust for glory: the alternate reality set in what we would relate to as the medieval times, however; in this world there are dragons, night crawlers, death eaters, and other things that go bump in the night.

Set in the Seven Kingdoms, ruled over by one King that sits on the Iron Throne, a throne that is mad entirely of iron swords from battles past. Lord Eddard Stark is the steward of the north, however certain circumstances forces Lord Stark to become King Robert’s Hand. Thus having to move south. When Eddard arrives in the south he finds out many dark secrets. In the fight for the Iron Throne there is only winners, if you lose you die.

George R.R Martin will immerse you into this world and you will never want to leave. A page-turner till the end; it will leave you wanting to run out and buy the next installment.

Category: Fantasy Fiction
Format: Soft cover, 835 pages
Publisher: Bantam Books
ISBN: 0-553-57340-3
Price: $9.99