Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog: Impression of Read Work

Blog: Impression of Read Work I read various screenplays and adaptations of original screenplays. The one that I found the most helpful was the ‘Casablanca’ screenplay. It helped me create the love struggle and tension between Tim and Linda. Just like there is tension between Rick Blaine, played by Humphrey Bogart, and Ilsa Lund, played by Ingrid Bergman. Both ‘Wire’ screenplays helped me figure out how to format my screenplay properly. The Wire was also very helpful in producing the right dialogue that was needed between characters. It was hard for me to think like a ten-year-old girl at some situations. The African Queen, again helped the character development. Inception was very hard to get my head around, however, it did help integrate the flashbacks into the screenplay. The television show ‘Lost’ also helped me in transitioning between two time periods. Flashbacks are an integral part of this screenplay; the flashbacks bring Mary into the world of the young love struck Tim O’Brien. None of these screenplays helped with the arrangement and order of operations within the story. The screenplay, based on The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, it is an adaptation of a short story with in a story. The screenplay dives into the love story between Tim O’Brien and Linda. Mary is the innocent on looker. She is the manifestation of what the reader would be seeing All these models were helpful to me in producing and formatting my own work. The Wire Season 1 Episode 101: The Wire Season 1 Episode 109: The African Queen:,%20The%20(1951).txt Casablanca 1942: Inception: